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More than a benefit. Pet healthcare is a need.
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There has been an enormous shift in the way Americans relate to their pets.
Today, 70% of U.S. wokers have a pet – and 98% of pet owners consider their pet a member of the family.
(We've come a long way from the old family dog living out his days in a backyard shed).

The Forgotten Dependent

When it comes to employer benefits, we believe pets are critical dependents that have been forgotten about. Over 70% of employees have pets. Among Millennials, far more employees have pets than have children. And on average, pet parents deal with about four pet issues per month, without the right resources in place to deal with them. Which means when problems arise, pet owners are burdened by lost time, increased stress and high costs.
Additionally, there are millions of pet issues that conventional veterinary services do not address. For these reasons and many others, more and more employers are recognizing the importance of providing pet benefits to their workers. And whiskerDocs is here to help.
Let the
record show...
of Employees
Have Pets
Pet Owners with No Vet
Pet Issues Per Month*
*on average

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“Families have become used to speaking with doctors virtually and they not only deserve, but desperately need, the same access when caring for their pets.”
—Deb Leon
whiskerDocs Call / Chat
10 mins
Veterinary Office Visit
3.5 hrs
whiskerDocs Callers Diverted from ER to Lower Cost of Care
Employees Attribute Improved Mental Health to their Pet

The whiskerDocs Impact

This is our favorite part. We have a proven track record of improving key metrics for any business who kicks off a pet benefits program. By providing seamless integrations, extraordinary customer experiences and ultimately by delivering fast, dependable help to our furry families, whiskerDocs delivers a best in class experience for our business partners and their various stakeholders.
We advocate for pet parents 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. And when this simple service is offered to employees as a part of their benefits package, we’ve seen delightful, undeniable impact, including:
  • Improved employee retention, productivity, engagement and satisfaction
  • Improved recruiting and pool of prospective talent
  • Knowing they’re helping keep animals healthy and cared for
  • Healthy animals = happy pet parents / employees *
*Have you explored the scientific, documented health benefits of the human-animal bond? Our friends over at HABRI are doing a brilliant job of explaining the "Pet Effect."™ They even offer incredible free downloads of posters, flyers, and more — great for HR or an office breakroom!